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Latinos make up a large portion of new voters and focus on unique issues

Unidos US says Latino voters will play a crucial role in the 2024 election as their share of the electorate continues to grow.

The number of Hispanics eligible to vote in the 2024 election increased by 3.9 million compared to 2020.

And Voto Latino predicted that one-fifth of Latino voters would prefer a third-party candidate over former President Donald Trump or President Joe Biden, NPR reported.

Chuck Rocha, a New York Times staff writer, said the candidates should “show up and tell Latino voters” what they are going to do, “not what they’ve done in the past” but what they are “going to do from now on to make their lives better.” Of the debates, he said, “What you saw last night was two guys arguing about things they’ve done.”

America chooses

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Rocha said he conducts focus groups every week to conduct opinion polls and has found that “Latino voters tell us, ‘Tell me what you’re going to do, no matter what party you’re in, to make my life better. To make it easier for me to provide for my family. To make it easier for me to send my kids to college. To make it easier for my kids and grandkids to have a better life than I did. And probably a better job than I did.'”

Rocha co-hosts the podcast “Latino Vote,” which brings together Latinos across the United States to examine voting behavior and the “leanings of the nation’s Hispanics.”

He says unique and important immigration issues, including a solution to a clear path to citizenship for DACA recipients, remain top of mind for many eligible Latino voters.

According to the Pew Research Center, 14.7 percent of eligible voters in the November election are expected to be Latino.

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