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Longtime friends of the gunman suspect say he took medication after back surgery | Local news

We learn more and more about John Schultz and who he was.

Everyone Local 3 has spoken to about John Schultz over the past two days says Monday’s events are completely unusual and that there must be more to the story.

UPDATE: Police say the gun of the suspect who was on an active shooting spree misfired as he tried to shoot colleagues

According to police, Schultz, 67, was an employee of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Office.

According to Chattanooga police, Schultz attempted to shoot several co-workers on Monday, but his gun did not discharge and fire.

Richard Shetter said he has known John Schultz for 20 years.

Shetter says Schultz was a very outgoing and loving person and they were good friends.

“It’s just unbelievable that he did something like that because it’s just not in his nature. All the people I know who know him are just as shocked as I am,” Shetter said.

Rebecca Goforth, who has known Schultz for seven years, is one of those shocked friends.

“Unbelievable. I feel like something was wrong. I don’t think he would hurt anyone,” Goforth added.

Shetter said he did not know Schultz was struggling with anything or going through anything that would lead him to take his own life or put others in danger on Monday.

The only thing Schultz had to contend with, in his experience, was a recent back surgery.

“I think he had back surgery not too long ago, just a few months ago, and I don’t know if that has anything to do with any medications he may have been taking. It’s just unusual for him,” Shetter said.

Goforth said she had spoken to Schultz just two weeks ago and he seemed in good spirits.

“It was about a burnout that was happening close to me, and he showed great compassion for the people that had happened to. We just talked about the people because I knew them, and he seemed to care so much about them because of their situation,” Goforth said.

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