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Superfan presents Arrowhead and Helldivers 2 with a long list of platitudes in a rare show of support from PlayStation’s most unruly community

Helldivers 2 had a great start when it was released earlier this year, breaking records and gaining a huge community. Arrowhead Game Studios was showered with praise for the unique multiplayer co-op experience.

However, the game has recently been experiencing several issues that have left players frustrated. While many players have criticized the developer, one fan has now voiced his support for the game and Arrowhead for its efforts.

Helldivers 2 fan showers praise on the game and the developer

Helldivers 2 player runs across the map
Helldivers 2 Fan praises developer Arrowhead for the incredible experience. | Image via Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 Fans have been complaining about issues in the game for the past few months and despite patches, Arrowhead has been unable to fix the problems. One player has now praised the game and the developer with a long list of platitudes, something that is quite rare to see these days.

Reddit user EQRightsEQPunishment took to the game’s subreddit to thank everyone involved in the game, from developer Arrowhead to the massive community to Sony, even after the PSN account controversy. They thanked the developer for “open-minded, transparent, accountable and professional” towards the community.

The player also said that he acknowledged the work Arrowhead put into the game to achieve this “overwhelming growth and popularity”, especially on the budget and size of the studio compared to other AAA studios. They said that the developer must know that its efforts “has not gone unnoticed or unnoticed.”

They also said that they had already spent over 750 hours in the game and were not finished yet. “I can safely say that I am still not tired or burned out in the slightest and I enjoy each mission as much as the next,” the player explained. They also urged other Helldivers to continue playing the game.

The community deserves as much praise as Arrowhead

Hell Divers in the Jungle
Players also praised the community for their feedback and support of the game. | Image via Arrowhead Game Studios

While Some players want to give up the game Due to the problems, the fan praised the other players in the community who stuck with it. They said that they never “Honor and Joy” To be part of such a community.

They described the player as “Funny, loving, committed, unfiltered and above all outstanding community.” They also praised fans for their feedback and criticized the developer. They stated: “Not only do I provide positive feedback, new suggestions and input, but I also don’t mince my words when it comes to calling out bad behavior, additions, management, etc.”.

The player said, Helldivers 2 Community is the best in all their years of gaming. The majority of fans praised the game and also the OP for speaking well about Arrowhead and Helldivers 2 when many criticized it.

One player said the game was “really something special” while another said they played over 600 hours and “Play today the same way you played yesterday.” What do you think about this praise for Helldivers 2 and Arrowhead? Let us know in the comments!

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