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Smoking in Japan: Many want to quit, but find that the habit can also have benefits at work

Japan Data

Society Health

A survey of smokers in Japan found that although many felt that smoking improved communication in the workplace, most still wanted to quit.

As health awareness continues to rise in Japan, smokers feel increasingly marginalized. Tokyo-based Clinic For, which offers in-person and online consultations, surveyed 521 smokers for their opinions on the pros and cons of smoking.

More than half said they smoked “to relieve stress and relax” (56%) and “to change their mood” (54%), followed by those who said it had “become a lifestyle habit” (30%). A certain number of smokers also said it was good for socializing, as the habit helped with “communication at work” (22%) and “communication among friends” (13%).

Why do you smoke?

When asked what benefits smoking in the workplace brings, the most common response was that it is “easier to discuss work-related matters and to have conversations among smokers” (37%), followed by people who said it is “easier to get in and out of work mode” (32%) and those who said it “reduces work stress” (29%). When asked whether smokers felt their jobs went more smoothly because of communication in smoking areas or cigarette breaks, the total, including those who answered “to some extent”, was 74%.

What benefits do you think there are of smoking in the workplace?

Has communicating through smoking in the workplace helped your work run more smoothly?

However, when respondents were asked if they planned to quit smoking in the future, 73% said they were thinking about it, including those who answered “maybe.” The top two reasons given were “it costs money” (53%) and “I don’t like the smell of my clothes and house” (44%).

Do you want to quit smoking in the future?

(Translated from Japanese. Banner photo © Pixta.)

Smoking for health reasons

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