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Al-Qaeda’s Continuing Challenge: A Vision of Victory over America

Banner image of the latest article by Khaled Mohammad Salah Din Zaydan

“In numbers, we can see the magnitude of the enormous losses the Mujahideen inflicted on America – thanks be to Allah.” – Khaled Mohammad Salah Din Zaydan.

These words, penned by the late Khaled Mohammad Salah Din Zaydan, the son of al-Qaeda leader Sayf al-Adl, were published in the latest issue of the Arabian Peninsula magazine Sada al-Malahem and are a powerful reminder of al-Qaeda’s unwavering resolve.

From regional conflicts like the Gaza war to operational updates from Shabaab in Somalia, al-Qaeda not only declares victory over America but also presents a strategy that deftly adapts to the global geopolitical landscape. Although Zaydan’s voice has fallen silent following his recent supposed death in Yemen, his message continues to express al-Qaeda’s strategic vision and its supposed victories in a conflict it declares is far from over.

The article written by Zaydan describes a story: Al-Qaeda believes not only that it is surviving, but that it is thriving.

Zaydan’s narrative thus reflects al-Qaeda’s core principles, portraying the struggle as eternal: a “battle between truth and lies… destined to continue until the hour of judgement.” This eschatological view serves as both a battle cry and a strategic tool to recruit and radicalize followers under the banner of divine victory, presented as a historical inevitability.

Zaydan then clarifies: “The victory is thanks to God and the fruits of your patience and steadfastness… the coming conquest will be written in your blood – God willing.”

He contrasts this divine mission with historical grievances in which periods of non-Islamic rule caused widespread suffering, and argues for Islamic rule as not only preferable but divinely ordained. This narrative mobilizes support by portraying Muslims as eternal victims of Western dominance.

Zaydan highlights key milestones that diminished America’s global influence, stating, “Before 9/11 and after the defeat of the Soviets…America took over the world…and here I speak in the past tense.” He also calls the 9/11 attacks a turning point that marked the “end of the American era”—a strategic success that demoralized enemies and inspired supporters.

His argument focuses on the economic damage caused by al-Qaeda’s campaigns. He goes on to say: “The American national debt was $3.4 trillion before the 9/11 attacks… today it is over $33 trillion!”

By highlighting financial burdens – such as the rising American national debt and the costs of protracted wars – al-Qaeda portrays a faltering superpower that is supposedly collapsing under the weight of its military superiority.

“The war in Afghanistan is over, but America is still paying the price and will continue to do so,” Zaydan notes, illustrating the effectiveness of al-Qaeda’s protracted war strategy. He then underscores the psychological victories of prolonged conflict and highlights the ongoing costs of wars and American security measures as a sign of U.S. vulnerability and overextension.

In addition, Zaydan positions al-Qaeda as a central figure in the global struggle against Western influence and aims to inspire and coordinate jihad in different geographic regions.

He ends the article with a strong call to arms, urging his followers to hold out until they achieve final victory – rule by divine right. This commitment underscores al-Qaeda’s goal of establishing a widespread Islamic caliphate with significant global influence.

The persistent but largely ignored threat from Al-Qaeda

Zaydan’s latest article ultimately outlines how al-Qaeda currently sees itself and how it intends to continue its decades-long jihad.

As al-Qaeda, led by al-Adl, continues to articulate a vision of victory and resilience through a sophisticated mix of ideological warfare and strategic propaganda, Washington should see this not as mere rhetoric but as a wake-up call to reorient our counterterrorism strategies.

If the U.S. government continues to dismiss al-Qaeda’s narrative as the last throes of a dying movement, it risks ignoring the evolution of a threat that thrives on being underestimated. Al-Qaeda’s portrayal of itself as a phoenix rising from the ashes of the Afghan battlefield should worry us all – not just because it claims to be weakening a superpower, but because it seeks to reshape world politics.

This should be a wake-up call: Al Qaeda’s story of triumph could usher in a dangerous new chapter in global terrorism unless the United States acts decisively. The battle for people’s hearts and minds is not just about countering narratives; it is about offering a compelling alternative that diminishes the appeal of extremist ideologies. Now is the time to strengthen defenses and rethink strategies before the next story of victory is written not in words but in blood.

Sara Harmouch is founder and CEO of H9 Defense and a doctoral student at the School of Public Affairs at American University.

Keywords: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, Khaled Mohammad Salah Din Zaydan, Khaled Zaydan, Sayf al Adl, Yemen

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