You are currently viewing The diagram shows how far you can drive your car when the tank is empty.

The diagram shows how far you can drive your car when the tank is empty.

A table has been published that shows exactly how far your car can travel when the fuel tank is “empty”.

We all know the moment when the tank is so empty that the needle on the gauge starts to wobble and we wonder how long we can keep filling up.

Everyone knows this journey and wonders whether they will have a breakdown in five minutes or in an hour.

Now a handy table has been published that tells you exactly how far your car can still drive when the tank is almost empty.

It depends on the condition of your car and your driving style. (Getty Stock Image)

It depends on the condition of your car and your driving style. (Getty Stock Image)

However, it is definitely not advisable to keep the fuel tank as empty as the Sahara all the time.

Of course, the 2015 chart also contains approximate values ​​that depend on several factors.

This includes your driving style, the condition of your car, etc.

So don’t blame us if you get stranded on the side of the road… you’ve been warned!

It turns out that when the petrol light comes on, it Strictly speaking at 10–15% capacity.

And that’s a good thing, because it has certainly saved our skin on one or two occasions.

The table was published in 2015 for various models.

Your mechanic

However, if the fuel light starts flashing, then you are Really in trouble and should probably refuel as soon as possible.

It’s important to note that it’s obviously not illegal if you run out of fuel, but if you cause an accident due to a breakdown caused by running out of petrol, you could face dangerous driving, a fine and up to nine points on your licence, according to the RAC.

The dreaded lighting of the fuel light scares most drivers. (Getty Image)

The dreaded lighting of the fuel light scares most drivers. (Getty Image)

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to drive frequently with a nearly empty tank, as this will cause dirt to accumulate in the tank, which will then be carried to other parts of your car.

This could then lead to blockage of other important vehicle components.

The other daunting thought is the idea of ​​being the person standing behind the guardrail on the highway while everyone drives by and stares at you.

While you might think everyday life as a gasoline car driver is tough, a woman got stuck behind the wheel of a Tesla when her battery ran out.

Diane, who lives in Arizona, owned a Tesla Model Y for about three years without any problems until she suddenly could no longer open the electric doors.

“It was fully charged,” the Valley driver claimed. “I unplugged it, went to get in my car, closed the door and everything shut down. I couldn’t open the windows, I couldn’t unlock the doors, I was just trapped.”

Scary scenes.

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