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How to use LinkedIn’s AI tools for job search

You’ve no doubt noticed that artificial intelligence tools are popping up in all sorts of apps, devices, and platforms lately. And LinkedIn is no exception: the social network for finding jobs and connecting professionals doesn’t want to be left behind in the race to make everything as AI-powered as possible.

However, we should mention right at the start that all of these AI features require a LinkedIn Premium subscription, which starts at $29.99 per month. If you’ve never had a Premium subscription before, you can try it free for a month to see if you like it before paying any money.

It’s also important to remember that generative AI – which creates new content based on training data – often makes mistakes. By all means, use AI to save time on LinkedIn, but never assume the results will be 100 percent right every time, and perhaps fall back on your good old human skills for the most important tasks.

In this article, we’ll focus on the AI ​​tools available to individuals on the Career Premium plan – those who are networking and job hunting. There are also AI tools for recruiters and larger companies, which we won’t cover in detail here.

Screenshot of LinkedIn AI's job analytics feature
You can ask questions about the jobs you are applying for. Image: Popular Science Composite/LinkedIn

Searching for jobs on LinkedIn usually involves clicking through a series of menus, filters, and checkboxes, but with the magic of artificial intelligence, you can simply say something like, “Find me an office writing job in New York that pays over $75,000” (the number of results depends on how narrow your search terms are, though).

This may mean you’ll find more jobs that are relevant to you, faster. But keep in mind that some trial and error may be required when it comes to wording. The AI ​​is very good at analyzing what you say in natural language, although of course you can’t see what’s going on behind the scenes.

When you come across a job posting, you’ll be presented with some suggested questions to ask, and then receive AI-powered answers – questions like “Am I a good fit for this role?” and “What can I do to improve my chances of getting this job?” This is designed to help you assess whether the role is a good fit for your skills and interests.

Use AI to review your application and resume

Screenshot of AI prompts
Get some AI inspiration for a cover letter for a specific position. Image: Popular Science Composite/LinkedIn

Is your resume really as good as it can be? Are you selling yourself properly? The AI ​​bot built into LinkedIn Premium will tell you without hesitation where you can improve your profile and application. When browsing job openings, you will also see AI hints with gold stars next to them – for example, tips to polish your resume.

You can set the AI ​​to highlight your qualities and experiences that are most relevant to a role, or rewrite certain sections if you’re not happy with them. You can make a section shorter, or more formal, or whatever. You can then use the details about the job and the details in your resume to have the AI ​​write a cover letter.

Again, use these tools wisely. Hiring managers may prefer to hear your own voice in your cover letter rather than generic AI words cobbled together from millions of other cover letters. But it can be helpful to find phrases and words that really convey what you want to say (and what a great candidate you are). You can freely edit any suggestions the AI ​​makes, so you don’t have to accept everything as it’s given to you.

Profiling, messaging and searching

Screenshot of an example question about AI services. The question is: “What can running a small business have on taxes?”
AI-powered questions and answers coming soon. Image: Popular Science Composite/LinkedIn

Whether you’re currently applying for a specific job or not, you can use AI on LinkedIn Premium to spice up your profile. The AI ​​bot takes a look at what you’ve already written and makes suggestions for improvement – for example, how the text could be more straightforward or concise. Again, all suggestions can be edited or simply discarded entirely.

Generative AI text can also be used in messages, whether you’re looking to network or explore job opportunities: There’s a “Write with AI” link built into the messaging interface. Clicking it will show you a selection of suggested prompts to get started, or you can use your own (e.g., “Write a message asking about video production opportunities, highlighting my years of experience”).

Another area where AI improvements will soon be available is search. LinkedIn says you’ll be able to ask all sorts of questions about your qualifications, potential roles, business topics, and more right on the platform. In some cases, the answers will be trained using data from LinkedIn experts in their respective fields.

Again, use AI tools with caution. Your humanity is your most valuable asset.

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