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Did Boy Smells really make a poppers scented candle?

Photo illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Retailer

If you want to feel that Troye Sivan-style high in the peace and comfort of your own home, then I have just the candle for you. In honor of Pride Month, Boy Smells has released a candle that supposedly smells like poppers. Technically, the Citrush candle delivers a “citrus high of grapefruit, black pepper, and musk,” which is probably the closest you can get to the scent of alkyl nitrites while still smelling good.

My first question was: why? And the answer is that it’s a fun way to do PR for your company and connect with queer consumers. My second question was: how? It turns out Boy Smells was one step ahead of me in that regard. On Monday, the company shared a TikTok in which a team member teaches his female colleagues how to give it a big sniff and get the room going.

“So Daryll, I just want to make sure we’re OK with this from an HR perspective,” asked a guy named Zach who was running the meeting. Daryll said “Sure!”, which isn’t really what you want to hear from your HR manager before everyone starts sniffing chemicals on a Zoom meeting. Still, I’m glad she did it. If the idea of ​​watching a group of (presumably) straight women try poppers for the first time in the middle of the workday sounds weird to you, this video will give you a real kick. Will you be enchanted enough to buy a $48 candle that smells like a club at 2 a.m.? That’s between you and your god (Charli XCX).

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