You are currently viewing 7 agricultural stories you can’t miss – June 14, 2024

7 agricultural stories you can’t miss – June 14, 2024

Did you miss any news this week? We’ve got it for you. Here’s a collection of the most important headlines from agriculture.

Corn and oil industries join forces to fight electric vehicles

Proponents of competing petroleum and plant-based fuels are joining forces to question the Biden administration’s new pollution limits They say it will unlawfully force automakers to sell electric cars while demand for their own products falls. Nearly three dozen companies and industry groups, including the National Corn Growers Association and the American Petroleum Institute, opened their legal battle against the vehicle standards on Thursday, filing petitions with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. – Bloomberg

Emissions credit programs announce improvements

Indigo Ag and Nori, in collaboration with Bayer, recently announced Changes to their emission credit programs. Indigo Ag has adjusted its model to allow more carbon sequestration credits for numerous practices, and carbon credit prices have increased by as much as $20 to $40 per credit. Nori announced the issuance of over 125,000 renewable tons of carbon from the Bayer Carbon Program in the U.S. – Farm progress

Judge blocks disaster relief for women and minority farmers

A federal judge in Texas has locked temporarily a Department of Agriculture disaster relief program that gives preferential funding to women and minority farmers, siding with a group of plaintiffs who claim the program illegally discriminates against white, male farmers. Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ruled that the program likely violated the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights to equal protection under the law. – Agriculture dive

USDA receives 58,000 requests for discrimination assistance

The USDA said it had 58,000 applications for payments under the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program for farmers, ranchers and forest owners who believe they were discriminated against in pre-2021 loan programs. Enrollment for the program, which is expected to provide $2.2 billion to producers who could demonstrate financial losses due to USDA discriminatory lending practices prior to 2021, ended Jan. 17. – Delta Farm Press

Boozman releases framework for Senate farm bill

John Boozman, R-Ark., ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, published his framework for a Senate farm bill on Tuesday. His plan is similar to the bill that the House Agriculture Committee passed last month. He said farmers are facing challenges and economic uncertainty that are only expected to worsen in the coming years. – Farm progress

What determines egg color?

June 3 was National Egg Day. Have you ever wondered why chickens Eggs can have different colors? A good way to guess the color of eggs a chicken will lay is to look at the hen’s earlobes. “Generally speaking, hens with white earlobes will lay white eggs,” says Gregory Archer. “But all eggs are white to begin with because the shells are made of calcium carbonate. They get their color from the hen’s genetics as the egg forms.” – Southwest Farm Press

12 US dairy farmers you should know

It’s June Dairy Month! US dairy farms are disappearing, which is all the more reason to celebrate the resilient people who still produce high-quality dairy products. Farm Progress wants introduce you to some farmers We continue to innovate and produce the best milk, whether as a milk frother for your coffee or as cheese for your ham sandwich.

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