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4 zodiac signs will receive much-needed signs from the universe in July 2024

The month of July brings with it many changes, a prelude to some challenging transits in August. Four zodiac signs will feel the powerful effects of these transits and receive much-needed messages from the Universe.

The month begins with Neptune retrograde on the 2nd and Mercury enters Leo on the same day. The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th will be a time of emotional awareness and reflection. Venus enters Leo on the 11th bringing with it some much-needed fire energy, a time when we feel much more empowered to express and fire ourselves up.

Mars will enter Gemini on the 20th, adding more mutable energy that will help these signs achieve victory. The second full moon in Capricorn will occur on July 21st, another time to reflect on our relationship with power and control. The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd, and Mercury will take up residence in Virgo from the 25th.

4 zodiac signs will receive much-needed signs from the universe in July 2024

The signs listed below need to learn to listen to the messages of certain transits before Leo season begins.

1. Aries

Aries sign from the universe July 2024 Eduard Litonov and Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva

The planets in Cancer at the beginning of the month are a sign to relax and be more methodical in your steps. You have a lot of power, but it’s time to channel the energy in a different way that will help you feel balanced and recharged.

The concentration of planets in water signs will also keep you focused on emotional healing, while the new moon in Cancer on the 5th will keep you focused on your home. It can feel jarring, but you must learn to slow down if you want to continue to thrive in your career.

As a sign that prefers to move full steam ahead, Saturn retrograde on June 29th will have you experiencing life through your emotional lens. Before we dive into the magic and power of Leo season, you need to learn how to add grounding and calming energy before you can keep reaching for the stars.

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2. Capricorn

Capricorn sign from the universe July 2024 Eduard Litonov and Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva

The new moon on the 5th will make you pay attention to how you’ve been taking care of your relationships, especially whether you’ve been there for the people you love. This month marks the beginning of a period of analysis and honesty with yourself. With two full moons in your sign this year, the message may be loud and clear that it’s time to take more responsibility for your actions.

The full moon on the 21st allows you to reflect on what you discovered seven months ago when the new moon was in your sign. Cancer season not only allows you to focus on your partnerships but also nourish your independent side.

As a cardinal sign that can become obsessed with striving for achievement and success, you’re now being asked to think about what’s best for you and listen to your body as your ruler Saturn turns retrograde on the 29th.

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3. Aquarius

Aquarius sign from the universe July 2024 Eduard Litonov and Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva

The new moon in Cancer on the 5th will be a sign to be more open to emotional transparency. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings during Cancer season. It’s your time to build a stronger emotional connection with your partner, just before the sun enters Leo and transits your relationship house.

The Moon opposes Pluto on the 8th, giving you more opportunities to improve your relationships as long as you work toward your personal healing. Being more honest with friends or even a close partner will help you build intense bonds with them.

Now the focus is also on your 12th house, as the new moon in Capricorn allows you to rededicate yourself to your dreams. Although this can feel like a challenging transit, the full moon allows you to close chapters before entering your sign. When the sun enters Leo on the 22nd, you’ll experience fruitful connections and have time to focus on your goals.

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4. Scorpio

Scorpio sign from the universe July 2024 Eduard Litonov and Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva

Your ruling planet Mars will be in your house of partnerships at the start of the month, which may cause conflict in your relationships if you are not willing to compromise. The same themes will repeat themselves when the Moon is in Leo and Pluto is opposite each other on the 8th. Listen to your friends or partners and learn to look at all sides of the equation.

With your ruler in Gemini from the 20th, frustration can be a cause for concern. However, you can still take initiative at school or work, as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun are all in Leo this month.

Although everyone can see you, you will still feel hidden as Mars in Gemini poses a challenge. But you are a sign that understands the value of patience and hard work, so you will succeed as long as you are not under pressure to sprint forward. The mantra for this month is to stay calm and make sure you finish the race without charging forward.

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AT Nunez is an Afro-Latin American astrologer and philosopher living in New York. She is passionate about astrology and wants to continue writing about stargazing in the future.

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