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How to respond to different customer needs in e-commerce

Because their businesses operate entirely online and are accessible to a broad, global audience, e-commerce brands are in a unique position to lead the way in diversity and inclusion. Every page of an e-commerce website is an opportunity to showcase a diverse customer base and show how different products can appeal to different types of customers.

Consumers expect diversity when they land on a website. According to Statista, more than two-thirds (68%) of Americans say brands with large audiences have either some or a great deal of responsibility to promote diversity and inclusion. And according to Think with Google, 64% of consumers said they took action after seeing an ad that promoted diversity and inclusion in some way. So, when e-commerce companies cater to diverse customer needs, they can attract and retain customers, and expand their customer base in new and exciting ways.

Understand your audience

The first step to addressing diverse customer needs is understanding who your customers are, not just making assumptions about who you think they are. This includes conducting thorough market research to identify the various demographics, preferences and pain points of your target audience. “Often, brands have one or two demographics in mind when they start making a product. And that may work for a short time. But to really grow and evolve, you need to think beyond those one or two target audiences and see who else could benefit from what you’re selling. To do this, you need to be proactive by listening to customer feedback, engaging with customers online and using data analytics to find out who your target audience is and what they really want,” says Matthijs Otterloo, owner of HeyShape, a shapewear brand for women of all shapes and sizes. “This knowledge is the foundation for developing products and services that really resonate with customers.”

Once e-commerce brands better understand their target audience, they can work to create products that appeal to them. “Inclusivity should be at the heart of product design. Every customer deserves to feel comfortable and confident with their purchases. Product designers must consider the diverse needs of their customers, including those with disabilities or unique body shapes. Offering customizable options can also improve the customer experience and allow individuals to tailor products to their specific needs,” says Otterloo.

One of the most important ways to respond to diverse customer needs in the fashion industry is to offer inclusive sizes. “Market inclusion is a different paradigm for competing that increases brand relevance to a diverse range of people,” say Omar Rodríguez-Vilá, Dionne Nickerson and Sundar Bharadwaj. “Traditional sizing often excludes people who don’t fit into standard categories. Offering an extensive size range, from petite to plus-size, ensures that everyone can find the perfect fit. In addition, it is important to design products with customizable features that comfortably fit different body shapes and sizes. We continuously promote body confidence and positivity,” adds Otterloo.

Personalization of the customer experience

Personalization is a powerful tool in e-commerce, especially for brands that want to appeal to what McKinsey & Company calls the “inclusive consumer,” a shopper who prioritizes spending on products from brands that actively promote diversity and inclusion. “Like many other consumers today, they base their purchasing decisions less on traditional advertising and more on social media, recommendations from friends, and the stories of those who founded the brands they admire. They are also more likely than other shoppers to value sustainability and quality,” explains McKinsey & Company.

There are several ways to help brands personalize the customer experience. First, ecommerce brands can use artificial intelligence and machine learning to create personalized shopping experiences that resonate with individual customers. Advanced algorithms can recommend products based on browsing history, purchasing patterns, and customer preferences. And as for marketing, personalized email marketing campaigns and targeted advertising can further increase customer loyalty and satisfaction. And finally, you can leverage an influencer network to get authentic reviews of your brand. “Don’t underestimate the power of a diverse influencer network when it comes to promoting your brand’s commitment to diversity and inclusion,” Otterloo adds. “The right influencers will effectively tell your brand’s story by highlighting how your products have helped them look and feel good.”

Customer needs and preferences are constantly evolving. It’s important to actively listen to customer feedback and adapt accordingly. Regular surveys and engaging with customers on social media can help gain insights and make informed decisions. This iterative approach allows brands to continuously improve their products to meet the diverse needs of their audience.

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