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Flume leads largest study on household water consumption in North America

“We are honored to have been selected by the Water Research Foundation to support the Study on the end use of water in residential areas, version 3,” said Eric AdlerCEO of Flume. “Flume is uniquely positioned to conduct this study because of our extensive water data collection, which gives us unprecedented insight into the water use patterns of North American households. This study is critical to ensuring long-term sustainability and community resilience, and we are proud to contribute to this important effort.”

This study is a comprehensive update of the influential WRF studies on Residential End Uses of Water from 1999 and 2016 and includes data on water consumption from over 100,000 households in The United States And Canada. Study on water end-use in residential areas, version 3 Will:

  • Discover where and how people in single- and multi-family households use water, including toilets, showers, faucets, washing machines, irrigation and more.
  • Evaluate water use efficiency and how usage patterns have changed over the last 25 years.
  • Compare the indoor and outdoor water consumption of private households depending on the type of housing and region.

Understanding residential water demand and usage trends is critical to managing and supplying water. These data are vital to water users, utilities, planners, regulators, businesses, agriculture, manufacturers, and governments. Residential end-use data is fundamental to future planning, program and product development, and to the long-term sustainability and resilience of North American communities.

Flume’s strategic partner, Peter Mayer, PE of WaterDM, is the principal investigator of the Study on the end use of water in residential areas, version 3 and he was co-principal investigator for versions 1 and 2. “Reliable data on where and how people use water is essential to planning for a safe future, and this study will provide the most comprehensive view of American household water use to date,” Mayer said. “In the previous WRF residential end-use studies, we analyzed water use for hundreds of households over a period of several weeks. In version 3 with Flume, we have access to years of high-resolution water use data from over one hundred thousand households already using Flume sensors – a remarkable advance.”

WRF is the leading research organization advancing water science to meet the evolving needs of the water sector. Project results are expected to be available in 2025. Stay up to date with project progress by following the Project page of the WRF website or contact Flume at (email protected).

About Flume
California’s The record drought of 2015 inspired Flume’s founders to give homeowners control over their water usage. By providing real-time water usage information, Flume customers can significantly reduce residential water usage while protecting their homes from devastating water leaks. Since its inception, the Flume team has expanded its reach by partnering with the largest water authorities and insurance companies in the United States. To date, Flume has installed over 100,000 sensors and is recognized as a leader in residential water usage and leak data. For more information, visit

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