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Texas inmate executed for murder and rape of 18-year-old woman

In 2001, a gruesome crime occurred in Bexar County, Texas. It ended with the senseless murder of a young woman named Bridget Townsend.

The day she disappeared, January 14, was the last time Bridget was at her boyfriend Joe’s house. According to KSAT, she and Joe last spoke at 7 p.m. But when he returned home at midnight, Bridget was nowhere to be found.

The 18-year-old woman was said to have last been seen by one of Joe’s friends, Ramiro Gonzales, but Gonzales denied this claim. From then on, police had no further leads.

I couldn’t imagine being Bridget’s friends and family – knowing that something terrible had probably happened, but not finding anyone who could provide answers. As tragic as the situation was, the people closest to her eventually got answers.

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Two years later, Ramiro Gonzales confessed to her murder

At the time of his confession, Gonzales was 20 years old and serving time in prison for the rape and kidnapping of another person. He said he knew what happened to Bridget and where her body was. He led police to her final resting place and confessed to not only murdering the young woman but also raping her.

There is much more to read about Bridget’s tragic story. Find all the details here.

In 2006, Gonzales was charged with capital crimes for his crimes against Bridget and sentenced to death—a sentence that has just been carried out.

The death of Ramiro Gonzales

It was not until Wednesday, June 26, 2024, that Gonzales was executed by lethal injection at the age of 41. This date was also Bridget’s birthday.

In his final statement, Gonzales said: “To the Townsend family: I am sorry that I cannot express the pain I have caused you. I cannot express the pain of what I have taken from you and cannot give back. I hope this apology is enough.”

Only he can know whether those last words were serious, and it is up to the family to accept them.

I can’t even imagine what it would be like to lose a loved one, a child, for no other reason than the incomprehensible actions of another. And to be reminded of Bridget’s life, cut far too short, not just during this execution, but at every step of the process and every single day. But I hope that those who loved Bridget have found some peace in some way.

Regardless of your views on the death penalty, such a heinous crime certainly deserves to be punished in some form.

Inmates in Texas who have been on death row for a long time

Here’s a look at criminals in Texas who have been on death row for at least 30 years.

Gallery credit: Billy Jenkins

11 people executed for crimes in Smith County, Texas

Here is a list of people who were executed for horrific crimes they committed in Smith County, Texas

Gallery credit: Billy Jenkins

Texas women currently on death row

It is not very common for women to be sentenced to death in Texas. Currently, of the 196 people on death row, only seven are women.

Photo credit: Texas Department of Criminal Justice

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