You are currently viewing For four long years I have been warning: Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home, his wife Jill should be charged with elder abuse, Barack Obama is the real president, and Biden will be replaced by Michelle Obama at the convention. Do you believe me now?, by Wayne Allyn Root

For four long years I have been warning: Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home, his wife Jill should be charged with elder abuse, Barack Obama is the real president, and Biden will be replaced by Michelle Obama at the convention. Do you believe me now?, by Wayne Allyn Root

I don’t want to say, “I told you so.” But boy, did I tell you so. When no one else was willing to say it… on national television.

Four years ago, the owner of Newsmax TV fired me for “being disrespectful to Joe Biden.” His words.

Because in 2019 and 2020, I kept saying on my primetime television show Newsmax, “Joe Biden has dementia. Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home. Joe Biden is a frail old man. Joe Biden cannot possibly be president with his deteriorating mental state.”

I lost my primetime TV show because of RAW TRUTH.

All of this happened before Joe Biden was elected President of the United States. Or should I say, “installed as illegitimate President through a rigged and stolen election.”

For the last four years of the so-called Biden presidency, I have shouted from the highest mountains on national radio and on the new national television shows on Real America’s Voice TV:

— Joe Biden suffers from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease combined with a form of Parkinson’s disease and should be removed from office.

– The Democrats are deceiving us with a fake president and a zombie puppet who takes his orders from Barack Obama but then “puts a lid on it” and takes a nap every day at noon.

— Biden’s mental decline is an embarrassment for the United States.

– Joe’s wife Jill Biden should be charged with elder abuse.

– Obama was the true de facto president all along.

– Obama gives all the orders to a government made up of former Obama administration officials.

– Joe Biden was supposed to be ousted and replaced this summer after it became clear he could not defeat President Donald Trump.

This was ALWAYS Obama’s presidency.

I even predicted in writing that the only reason for a debate in June – the earliest in history – would be to give Democrats an excuse to oust Joe Biden before or at the Democratic National Convention in August.

That was Obama’s devious plan from the beginning. Brilliant.

That’s an incredible track record of making absolutely accurate predictions – all in writing and on national television.

But wait, it gets even better!

I also predicted for 18 months that Joe Biden would be replaced by Michelle Obama. I even wrote her acceptance speech a month ago. I knew exactly what she would say. See:

But my main claim has always been that Biden would definitely be replaced this summer. Who that might be is anyone’s guess. I’ve also left room for other possibilities – it could be Gavin Newsom; it could be Hillary Clinton. Days ago I even threw a new name into the ring – Wes Moore, an Obama clone who was just elected governor of Maryland.

But Michelle Obama was always my favorite. For the following reasons:

First, I’ve always maintained that Trump is unbeatable. He’s winning a historic share of the black and youth vote. Only a larger-than-life celebrity like Michelle could save the Democratic Party from a landslide defeat.

Michelle is the only one capable of winning back black and young voters. Michelle is the only one capable of generating the tension needed to make this a horse race. The Obama “brand” is the only one that can compete with the Trump brand.

Second, why was Chicago chosen as the site for the Democratic convention? That choice never made sense. Political parties always choose a site in a swing state that gives them a chance to win a contested state. But the Democrats chose Chicago – a 100 percent Democratic city in a state where they have a 100 percent chance of winning. Why?

Because Michelle was ALWAYS her plan B.

Chicago is Michelle’s hometown. She was born and raised in Chicago. This will be her crowning achievement, her “coming out” party. She will be celebrated as a “hometown hero” for giving up her life of wealth, fame and travel to become the Democratic presidential candidate. Chicago will go wild. The drama and excitement is literally “made for TV.” It’s like a reality show…

It’s like Celebrity Apprentice.

And finally, and most importantly, the Democratic Party is about identity politics. It needs the black and minority vote to have any chance of winning. It needs to excite black and minority voters like never before – to bring them back to the Democratic Party.

And the one thing they can’t afford is to upset black voters by passing over Vice President Kamala Harris in favor of a white man. They could never do that. A large portion of black voters would stay home.

So Newsom is out.

Plus, California is a disaster. Newsom couldn’t justify what happened to California – the taxes, debt, crime, drugs, homelessness, store closings, the authoritarian COVID lockdowns under Newsom. Californians are fleeing in record numbers. Newsom may have the worst track record of any candidate in history.

Trump would destroy Newsom with an even bigger landslide victory than Biden.

All the Democrats who left at the last minute to replace Biden and have even the semblance of a chance of beating Trump are Michelle. That’s all they’ve ever had. She’s been waiting in the wings for 18 months – as I warned.

This has always been Barack Obama’s plan.

It could be Michelle with Newsom as vice president. It could be an all-women ticket with Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. If they can’t get Kamala to step down by offering her a Supreme Court nomination, it could be Michelle and Kamala (which I highly doubt – Kamala is hated).

Or Democrats could choose Newsom, Christine Whitman, or in an emergency, Maryland Governor Moore if Michelle refuses to run. But they would be sacrificial lambs practicing for 2028, when Trump leaves office.

It is even possible that the Democrats could try to install Barack Obama as vice president as “insurance” for Biden’s breakthrough in the election campaign if they are willing to put the US Constitution to the test.

But I’m putting my money on Michelle in Chicago in August.

And then we can expect the most exciting presidential election campaign of all time with the two biggest brand names of all time:

Trump versus Obama.

Watch Wayne’s brand new nightly television show “The ROOT Reaction” every weekday at 10pm EST/7pm PST on Real America’s Voice TV and Wayne’s weekend show “America’s Top Ten Countdown” Saturdays at 12pm EST/9am PST on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at or on Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219 or go to

Photo credit: Kelli Dougal on Unsplash

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