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Groundbreaking technology finds your moment in seconds

The most precious gift one can receive is a living memory of a moment with the Rebbe. Now, JEM is introducing a brand new facial recognition technology that will provide unprecedented search access to the half million photos of interactions with the Rebbe.

Thirty years after Gimmel Tammuz, the most precious gift one can receive is a living memory of a personal moment with the Rebbe. Hundreds of thousands of people have been fortunate enough to receive a dollar from the Rebbe, participate in Kos Shel Bracha, or take advantage of one of the numerous other opportunities for personal interaction, often photographed.

The joy and emotion of discovering a previously unknown snapshot of a personal moment is truly something special. Today, JEM is introducing a brand new technology that will provide unprecedented search accessibility for the half a million photos of personal interactions with the Rebbe.

JEM is proud to present our new face recognition Feature on JEM’s photo archive website,, that allows users to upload a photo and search our extensive archives to find similar faces. Since so many photos of personal interactions with the Rebbe are already on our website, the potential for discovery is immense.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Search for a photo: Choose a clear photo of yourself or a family member from the time they were with the Rebbe. clearer the photo that more accurate the results will be.
  2. Upload the photo at
  3. Get results: The system quickly scans hundreds of thousands of photos on the website and displays the results that best match your uploaded photo.
  4. Share results with family or order a copy of your photo through our website. Video stills are also included in this search and video encounters can also be purchased.

This innovative feature is part of JEM’s ongoing mission to bring everyone closer to the Rebbe. Using artificial intelligence, we can now offer an unprecedented level of accessibility to our precious archives, allowing users to discover personal connections to the Rebbe that they may never have known existed.

This is a major advancement that the JEM engineering team has been working diligently on over the past year to refine and make as accurate and user-friendly as possible. Although it is still a work in progress, we are excited to offer it to the public in honor of Gimmel Tammuz.

When we launch this remarkable feature, it will be open and accessible to everyone for one month, after which it will become an exclusive benefit for JEM members.

We want to be transparent about the current limitations of the face recognition feature. The number of results and the completeness of the photo database are still being improved, and you can expect updates to be provided in later versions. The accuracy is not yet 100%, and we cannot guarantee that you will find all possible photos. However, we are committed to continuously refining the technology and expanding our photo database.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the many people who have worked tirelessly to make this project a reality. Special thanks go to Motti Hazan And Memke Schmukler from the archive team, Levi Naki And Levik Shmotkin the product and design team, Elchonon Korenblit, and the entire technology team. We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to Rabbis Elkanah Shmotkin and Mendel Gourarie for their vision and leadership.

JEM remains committed to sharing the Rebbe with everyone, and this new feature is a testament to our commitment. We are excited about the possibilities it presents and look forward to using this feature to help more people deepen their connection to the Rebbe.

Visit today to experience and discover this revolutionary feature your personal moments with the Rebbe.

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