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Are the Amish allowed to use firearms in Missouri? This might surprise you

I’m not a fan of stereotypes and I like to prove the false ones aren’t true. There is a perception that Amish families in Missouri aren’t allowed to use firearms, but the truth might surprise you.

I wasn’t interested in opinions about Amish life from anyone other than actual Amish people and/or their communities, so I checked out Amish Baskets that addressed the question. “Do the Amish use guns?”

The response of Missouri’s Amish communities and firearms is interesting and complex. Yes, Amish families are pacifists and don’t even celebrate holidays based on military victories. Almost without exception they own firearms.

Before you jump to the conclusion that the TV show about the Amish Mafia is actually true, let it be said that the opposite is true.

Although firearms are more common in Missouri Amish communities than you might think, they serve only one purpose – Hunt.

The website Amish Baskets points out that the idea of ​​an Amish mafia is probably offensive to a real Amish community in Missouri. You will never see an Amish person use a firearm against another human being, even if they are doing it in self-defense. Respect for life and the belief that violence against other human beings is wrong would prohibit the use of weapons against a human being. It would simply never happen.

Loyalty to their faith in God and commitment to humility would override any inclination to use a firearm against another human being.

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Photo credit: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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