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I tried an espresso machine that makes instant cold coffee and the results surprised me

I’ve tested some of the best coffee makers on the market and have become a certified coffee fanatic through my profession that gives me the opportunity to test the latest brewing technology. However, when summer is in full swing and I’m switching from my morning cappuccino to an iced coffee, I usually retire my espresso machine and opt for a homemade cold brew concentrate. The problem with using traditional espresso to make an iced coffee is that my ice melts immediately, resulting in a watery coffee that just isn’t the right fit.

Although cold brew is cheap and relatively straightforward, it takes 12 to 24 hours to make and must be done in large batches, so when I found out that De’Longhi had worked with the Specialty Coffee Association to develop a line of machines that could make cold brew and cold espresso at the touch of a button, I was cautiously intrigued and eager to test the machine out.

De'Longhi cold extraction brews

(Image credit: De’Longhi)

To extract the unique flavors of a cold brewed coffee, De’Longhi added a proprietary water circuit to its brewing unit, which extracts cold brewed coffee over an extended period of time using room temperature water. Instead of applying high pressure and heat like you would with an espresso, the cold brew setting on De’Longhi’s La Specialista Maestro lets your coffee grounds steep for up to five minutes to produce a less acidic flavor.

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