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Shadow Of The Erdtree character that I can really identify with


  • Igon from the Elden Ring DLC ​​reflects the players’ struggles and embodies determination in the face of difficulties and defeats.
  • As players triumph over Bayle with Igon’s help, they experience shared satisfaction and unity in overcoming challenges together.
  • Igon’s journey becomes emblematic of the Elden Ring experience, inspiring players to persevere and find joy in their victories.

I have always been in love with Elden Ring‘s NPCs. There’s something magical about the way the game handles its characters: from Melina’s quiet rage to Ranni’s grinning mysticism to Alexander’s triumphant courage, each of them displays an admirable quality that raises countless questions and always leaves me looking forward to the next encounter. Shadow of the Earth Tree is no exception, and I was immediately nice to Leda Dedication, Thiollier ‘s pathos and Moore’s obsession. NPCs are an important part of the FromSoft Soulsborne formula. Their likable and often funny behavior brings a lot of humanity to the desperate worlds they inhabit.

But sometimes a particular NPC becomes iconic simply because players find them likable. Just think of the joy Solaire takes in defeating tough enemies alongside his allies, or Siegmeyer’s penchant for getting into trouble. Shadow of the Earth Tree has a similar player replacement, but his journey is unlike any other. It is compelling, touching, even inspiring, but most importantly, it is incredibly relevant to my own and countless other players’ experience with Elden Ring‘s DLC.

We can all identify with Igon from Elden Ring

Igon also suffers from the difficulties of Shadow Of The Erdtree

Igon kneels, surrounded by player messages, in a screenshot from Elden Ring.

As I wandered through the Land of Shadow and the first part of the Elden Ring‘s DLC map before I finally start my invasion of Castle Ensis, I heard a heart-rending howl of pain. Despite my curiosity, I hesitated to come closer, imagining that the animal that was causing those cries was not far away and that if I stopped to help this sick traveler, I would become its next target. But I gathered my courage (and rested at the nearby place of grace) before coming closer. There I met Igon .

It was hard to tell if Igon was aware of my presence or if he was just continuing to whine as he railed against someone named Bayle, cursing his name and the incessant pain he had caused. But in true Soulsborne fashion, I listened to his speech, exhausted his dialogue, and was about to move on when I noticed countless messages sprouting up around him. I read them all: “seems known… Ah, Elden Ring,” And “Clouded ahead.” I immediately understood that, whether intentional or not, Igon is a parallel to the Elden Ring player – not just the person being attacked, but the person holding the controller, you and me.

It is no secret that many players like Igon have been destroyed by Elden Ring‘s DLC. Many claim it is simply too difficult, and have even subjected the Steam page to a review bombing campaign. But still, Which connects Elden Ring Player is our love of challengeLike Igon, we may be battered, injured, but still as good as defeated: just as Igon gets up again to pounce on Bayle, we will try again and again.


Is Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree harder than the base game?

Many players find Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree difficult, but how does it compare to the difficulty of the base game?

How Igon inspired me to advance my Elden Ring journey

Triumph over Bayle

A sinister Bayle, a red and black dragon, in a screenshot from the Elden Ring DLC.

I also have problems with Elden Ring‘s DLC. But strangely enough, it is not Rellana or Messmer who haunts my dreams: It is a well-known enemy from the base game, the Ulcerated Tree Spirits. I hate those things with a passion. I’ve probably defeated at least five of them (it feels like more though), but I just never got used to their attack patterns. The way they slam their heads into the ground and then cover the battlefield with the status effect of the day – it’s gotten to the point where I turn around and walk the other way when I see one. It’s just not worth the runes, especially the ones you have to fight in the Toxic Swamp of Belurat.

I had put off this fight when I first found Igon, and he gave me the perfect excuse to head off in a different direction. I soon made my way to the Dragon Pit, and upon seeing the terrifying majesty of Jagged Peak, I decided to explore that region instead. I met Igon again, who seemed a little calmer when he asked me to call him in the fight against Bayle. And soon I found myself in front of a fog gate.

You can only reach Jagged Peak by taking a leap of faith into the hole at the bottom of the Dragon Pit.

Bayle was neither the toughest nor the most important enemy in Shadow of the Earth Treealthough for Igon he was clearly both. Usually my strategy when summoning NPCs is to have them control one side of the battlefield while I attack the enemy from behind. But not with Igon. Maybe it was just how big Bayle is, or maybe it had something more significant, but as we fought the terrible dragon I noticed that Igon seemed to stick close to my side. It was the first time I really felt connected to a summoned NPCnot just married for convenience. No matter how many times he had been beaten by Bayle, I knew that together we could overcome anything.


Elden Ring modder has already removed one of the most controversial features of the DLC

After the controversial introduction of Scadutree Fragments in Elden Ring, a modder manages to remove the consumable from the game.

It took a few tries, but we finally managed to defeat Bayle. The sound of the dragon’s final thunderclap, coupled with Igon’s roar of victory, triggered a familiar feeling of joy deep within me. I grinned from ear to ear as Igon gloated over his enemy’s dead body: “You shall not pursue me any longer!” I noticed that He felt the same overwhelming satisfaction as I did when I finally defeated a difficult bossUnwavering courage, sustained effort and cheerful cooperation had finally paid off.

If you complete this quest line, you will receive the

Heart of Bayle

which can be exchanged for Dragon Power at the Great Altar of Dragon Communion. A familiar looking corpse can also be found outside the arena and looted for

Igon’s Armor


Igon’s final triumph was one of the greatest emotional highlights I have ever experienced. Elden Ring. After collecting the loot, I had to sit there for a while as my heart rate slowed and I reflected on the experience. I realized that there was only one way to hunt the dragon as I mounted Torrent and headed for Belurat. Once again I descended into the poison swamp and armed myself against the ulcerated tree spirit. I would like to tell you that I succeeded on the first try, but of course I didn’t. I have tried several times and countless Neutralizing boluses but in the end I won. For a moment I felt just like Igon did when we defeated Bayle together. Proud, overjoyed – but above all relieved.

As more and more players become part of his story, Igon has gradually become a mascot for the Shadow of the Earth Tree player. He is a symbol of the Elden Ring experience and a Soulsborne veteran through and through: his defeat is our defeat, his joy is our joy. His ultimate victory is nothing short of inspiring, and if the messages that accompany him every time he appears are any indication, the community has accepted him as one of us. As for me personally, I know I will think of Igon every time I face a difficult boss in Elden Ring.

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